So very sad…

Lifted from our Facebook page:

“It is with great sadness and reluctance that we have to announce the end of Boscombe Vintage Market today.

Unfortunately this means that there will be no market this Saturday.

This was a very hard decision to make, but over the last few months we haven’t seen as many customers as we used to, and as a result we were beginning to lose many of our loyal traders too. We tried to find a different approach and also go back to a monthly market but it just wasn’t working.
Thank you to everyone who has bought from us, came and had a browse, stuck with us over the years, and for your continual support on Facebook too, we tried to keep it going for you!

As we are shutting down BVM, we are also looking to do something new too so we will keep you posted with any updates for the future.

Many thanks,

Boscombe Vintage Market”

Can’t put it any better myself. We’ve had the loveliest customers, and made some wonderful friends, and enjoyed ourselves hugely. But all good things come to an end eventually, and we just couldn’t keep going in the Royal Arcade any longer. Keep an eye out for us “popping up” here and there, and in some way, shape or form – we’ll be back.